Pre-salt: rapporteurs change government proposals

17/11/2009 17h15
Offshore oil platform

The bills that regulate the exploitation of oil in the pre-salt layer are the highlights of the week in the agenda of the House Floor


Royalties with new indices
The first project of the pre-salt to be discussed by the Floor this week is the substitute bill of deputy Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB-RN) for the PL 5938/09. According to the text, extracting oil from the pre-salt will be done through sharing contracts, where the government gets a share of the petroleum extracted.

The novelty of the text is the definition of new indices for the distribution of royalties, which will be due in the percentage of 15% of the total production.

Municipalities and states around the country will receive each 22% of this amount, to be distributed according to the criteria of the respective participation funds (FPE and FPM).

Social Fund with resources of the Union
The Social Fund, created by PL 5940/09, will be a reserve to a long-term savings in order to fund projects and programs of social and regional development in the areas of Education, Public Health, Science and Technology, Climate Change and Culture.

The novelty in the substitute bill by the rapporteur Antonio Palocci (PT-SP) is that all resources of the blocks of the pre-salt already tendered will be directed to the Fund. This includes royalties and the special participation for a large volume of production, provided for under the current law for the concession regime.

Capitalization without FGTS
The capitalization of Petrobras is the theme of the third project lined (PL 5941/09). It will be done with the transfer by the government to Petrobras, in treasury securities, of the equivalent of 5 billion barrels of oil.

The susbstitute bill of Deputy João Maia (PR-RN) does not allow minority shareholders to use the resources of individual accounts of the FGTS to subscribe to the increase of the capital they hold in stocks. Workers who are already shareholders in the company can participate only with their own private resources.

Petro-Sal with Quarantine
The last bill in the agenda is the PL 5939/09, that creates a new company, Petro-Sal, to manage the contracts for the exploitation and trade of the oil and natural gas found in the pre-salt.

One of the novelties of the report by Deputy Luiz Fernando Faria (PP-MG) is a quarantine of four months for company directors after leaving it. During this period, they can not act in the market for oil and gas and will receive the same wages as the positions they occupied.

Report - Eduardo Piovesan / SR

Translation - Rejane Xavier