Committee approves quota for qualifying black women

09/11/2009 17h30
Divulgação /Governo ES
mulheres negras-seminário 
Black women participating in a seminar

The Committee on Labor, Administration and Civil Service approved on Wednesday (28) the requirement of a minimum percentage of funds for training programs for black women, under the Program on Unemployment Benefit. The measure is an amendment from the Senate to Bill 832/03, introduced by deputy Sandes Júnior (PP-GO).

The bill requires that at least 20% of resources allocated in actions of qualification under the the Unemployment Benefit program be assigned to the training of black people. The amendment from the Senate creates, in these 20%, a subquota destined to women. This quota is calculated from the proportion of women in the population of black Brazilians.

According to the rapporteur, deputy Vicentinho (PT-SP), the amendment does not substantially alter the proposal and contributes favorably to the labor market.

The bill was originally approved in April 2006 and sent to the appreciation of the Senate. Now, the Senate amendment will still be considered by the Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) and by the Floor.

Reporting - Vania Alves
Edition - Pierre Triboli
Translation – Adriana Resende