Committee increases tax incentives to companies located at Amazon and Northeastern Regions

13/11/2009 18h30

The Committee on the Amazon, National Integration and Regional Development approved on Wednesday (11th) a proposal extending ten years (from 2013 to 2023) the right to claim tax incentives for companies with investment projects targeted to regions covered by Amazon Development Superintendence (SUDAM) and Northeastern Region Development Superintendence (SUDENE).

The approved text – the substitute bill by rapporteur Deputy Eduardo Valverde (PT-RO) to Bill 4000/08 from Deputy Beto Faro (PT-PA) – also considers the possibility of a 20 years extension. Nowadays the Provisional Measure (MP) 2199/01 grants the benefit for just 10 years.

According to the MP that presently legislates on the matter, companies that run projects considered priorities by the Federal Government for regional development in areas covered by Sudam and Sudene will have a 75% decrease on due Revenue Tax, based on profits.

Uneveness Reduction
Eduardo Valverde points out that the measures provided for in the approved proposal “will prevent the diversion of enterprises that mean to settle at the benefitted regions”. According to the representative, tax incentives are important instruments meant to decrease regional uneveness.

The Bill is still going to have a conclusive analysis from Committee on Finances and Taxation and Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Reporting - Maria Neves/SR
Translation – José Schneider