Chamber recognizes the profession of Sign Language Interpreter

18/11/2009 11h50
The Libras alphabet

The Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship passed, on Wednesday (11), the bill that recognizes the profession of interpreter of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras).

Some of the tasks of the translator and interpreter are: to interpret, in Libras, the educational, pedagogical and cultural activities developed in the educational institutions; to work in the selection processes for courses in educational institutions and in public contests; to support accessibility to the services and to the core activities of educational institutions and government agencies, and to provide service in testimony in Court, administrative bodies and law enforcement offices.

The Report
The rapporteur, Deputy João Campos (PSDB-GO), presented assent to the Bill 4673/04 by Deputy Maria do Rosário (PT-RS) and also to the Bill 5127/05 by Deputy Jefferson Campos (PSB-SP), the latter attached in the form of a substitute bill approved by the Committee on Labor, Administration and Civil Service.

According to the substitute bill, the rules provided in the Decree 5.626/05 still apply for the professional trainning of the translators and interpreters: the interpreter must have Bacherelor Degree in Translation and Interpretation, with habilitation in Libras, or High School Degree if graduated until 2015; or Certification of Proficiency issued by the Union. The same Decree also establishes transitional rules for those without a Bacherelor degree.

As it has conclusive character, the bill goes to the Senate, unless it is appealed for review by the Chamber.

Reporting - Vania Alves
Edition - Marcos Rossi/RX
Translation – Danielle Currlin