Woman’s Week will have debates on economic crisis

05/03/2009 05h25

The female caucus at the National Congress wants that the commemorations of the International Woman’s Day (March 8th) be marked by the discussion on the economic crisis and its effects on the female population. The Deputy Luiza Erundina (PSB-SP) affirms that, in moments of crisis, women are the most reached segment by unemployment and by the pay squeeze.

In order to try to reduce that impact, the female deputies and senators will ask the federal government to grant working women some measures against the economic crisis. The issue will also be discussed by the TV Chamber, which will hold a debate with experts and representatives of women’s movements on March 11th.

Position at the Governing Board
The female caucus expects that the Bill on a Constitutional Amendment (PEC) 590/06 – which guarantees the participation of women in the Governing board and in the Thematic Committees of the Chamber and of the Senate – be approved at the Chamber.

The deputy Luiza Erundina, author of the PEC, stresses that the president of the Chamber, Michel Temer, committed to speed the procedure of that bill. Erundina reminds that Temer was the rapporteur of the PEC at the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship and that it was thanks to his prestige as a congressman and constitutionalist that the resistance against the bill was conquered. It should now be reviewed by a special committee.

Political representation
Luiza Erundina affirms that the female caucus has been also fighting for institutionalization. Their intention is to conquer the same rights and political power of the parties, many of which have a smaller representation than the 46 female deputies of the caucus. If it is institutionalized, it will be entitled to facilities and structure. According to Erundina, the lack of facilities and equipment has been hampering the congresswomen’s works.

The deputy informs that institutionalization can allow that, as any other party, the female caucus has the right to vote in decision instances, such as the Leaders’ Collegiate. Currently, the coordinator of the caucus, Deputy Sandra Rosado (PSB-RN) has the right to speak up in meetings, but is not allowed to vote.

Violence reports
Luiza Erundina reminds that the Chamber should also create an Attorney’s Office to receive and forward to the responsible bodies reports of violence and discrimination against women. It should inspect and follow up on the implementation of public policies regarding the reduction of inequalities of gender and in the promotion of anti-discrimination campaigns of domestic scope. According to the bill, the body will be directed by three deputies, who will be indicated by the caucus.

Report - Vania Alves
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda