Temer: voting of MPs can hamper the analysis of tax reform

06/03/2009 09h20

The president of the Chamber, Michel Temer, affirmed that he is positive regarding the approval of the tax reform by the deputies, but recognized that it will be difficult to vote it in March, as it had been initially forecast, because of the large number of provisional measures that will lock the agenda of the House Floor.

Temer participated in the International Seminary on Tax Reform, held on Tuesday (3) by the National Industry Confederation (CNI), to debate the text of the reform and the experiences of countries which also have recently changed their taxation system, such as Chile, Australia and Mexico.

When asked if there was not a delay in the voting of that matter, the president of the Chamber stressed that he prefers being cautious, so that it is possible to match antagonist interests of the Union, states, municipalities and taxpayers. “But there is an interest which overcomes the regional and corporative ones: the interest of the whole country in development”, he said.

Temer reminded that it has already been possible to obtain nearly unanimity at the special committee on tax reform, from 1999 to 2003, when during the voting of the text, there was only one vote against it, the one from the former Deputy Marcos Cintra, who defended the thesis of a single tax.

According to the president’s evaluation, it is necessary to be prudent regarding the matter, because things in Brazil mature little by little. “I hope that Congress approves well-structured tax system, which can be permanent, and therefore guarantee juridical safety which will allow more investments in Brazil”, he concluded.

Report - Alexandre Pôrto/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Simone Ravazzolli
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda