Temer announces committee on position for female deputy at the Governing Board

09/03/2009 05h55


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Temer has been guaranteeing the participation of one female deputy at the meetings of the Leaders College

On Wednesday (4), during the opening of the commemoration of the International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on March 8th, the President of the Chamber, Michel Temer, announced the creation of a special committee to analyze the bill of constitutional amendment which ensures to the female caucus a position at the Governing Board of the Chamber.

Temer reminded that he has been guaranteeing the participation of one representative of the female caucus at the meetings of the Leaders College. He also informed that he is elaborating a bill creating the Female Attorney’s Office at the Chamber of Deputies, to defend the women’s interests.

The president of the Chamber highlighted the importance of those initiatives, since nearly half of the population is made of women. “And, curiously, at the Legislative Houses, that percentage is very small. There is not yet a proportional participation of women in all sectors of our nation. And we, little by little, are collaborating to it. Thus, on the International Women’s Day, my greetings go to those who are the triggers of the family and social development of Brazil”.

The coordinator of the female caucus, Deputy Sandra Rosado (PSB-RN), said that Temer has been honoring his commitments with the bench, and stressed that the deputies will constantly fight to female space and against the violence suffered by so many women in Brazil.

Report - Alexandre Pôrto/ Rádio Câmara
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda