Sub-committee wants to speed adoption of single civil registry

03/03/2009 05h20

The Special Sub-committee on Civil Identity Registry (RIC) wants to hold several meetings this year, with technicians of the government, to request more speed in the bidding processes for the purchase of digital identification equipments. Those equipments will be used for the creation of an electronic data bank.

That information was given by the president of the sub-committee, Deputy William Woo (PSDB-SP), who wants to attract the attention of the government to the importance of the adoption of the single registry. Created by the Law 9.454/97, it has the purpose to identify each Brazilian citizen, born or naturalized, in all his/her relationships with society and with government and private bodies.

Despite already existing in the theory, it has not yet been implemented. A survey made by the sub-committee found out that the identification system is still manual in most of the states. “We still have and archaic system, and worse: none of the identifications in Brazil communicate with each other. It is possible to create a different identity in each state of the Federation”, stressed the congressman.

Forgery cases
Woo reminds about recent famous cases of forged identities. The first was the one of the father of Eloá Pimentel, a girl who was murdered in Santo André, in the state of São Paulo, after being kidnapped by her former boyfriend. Accused of being involved in murder groups in the state of Alagoas, the father, Everaldo Pereira dos Santos, lived for decades in São Paulo with a new identity.

Another case of forged identity was the one of the Mexican Carlos Ruiz Santamaria, El Negro. He was in jail in São Paulo for nine months under the name of Manoel Oliveira Ortiz, born in Borda da Mata, in Minas Gerais. El Negro was one of the most searched drug dealers by the Spanish Law, and was only discovered because he did not speak Portuguese.

According to Woo’s evaluation, those cases are the proof of the absence of a safe identification system in Brazil. “That system allows not only criminals to practice their crimes under the name of a different person, but also that they forge a fake identity, or that they get a new ID card and are never arrested; it also allows frauds, especially in Social Security."

Report - Idhelene Macedo/Rádio Câmara/SR
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda