Society complains that tax reform eliminates social rights

09/03/2009 05h20

On Wednesday (4), representatives of civil-society bodies called for more discussions on the tax reform before its voting. They spoke to the President of the Chamber, Michel Temer, and argued that the text’s wording eliminated the social protection conquered at the Constitution of 1988, because it eliminates social contributions, which currently guarantee resources for areas such as health, social security and social service. The request counts with the support of 60 bodies, which are members of the movement “For a Socially-Fairer Tax Reform”.

The president of the Chamber, Michel Temer, understands that the chapter on social security of the 1988 Constitution was a great conquer. “I will forward the request to the Committee on the Tax Reform and emphasize the need of a very adequate review on that matter”, he said, when explaining that representatives of those 60 bodies asked for more slowness in the procedure, so that the bill is not rapidly voted. “That is one of the advantages of the Legislative, which can address the issues brought by the people in a slow, but adequate and accurate way.”

Temer observed that, while Congress is being accused of slowness in its works, society itself is recognizing the importance of a thorough analysis of complex matters.

No guarantees
The representative of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), Dom Guilherme Werlang, explained that the bodies are not against changes in tax system, but to the end of social contributions. “If all those social contribution become taxes, we will lose the guarantee on the origin of the resources of social security, and how the poor ones of that country, the retired people, the pensioners, the health, the education, will have the same weight in discussing with the large companies, with the large economic groups, with the states and municipalities? We cannot treat equally what is not equal”, he challenged.

The Deputy Darcísio Perondi (PMDB-RS), is one of the leaders of the movement, and also thinks that more debates on the tax reform are necessary. According to his opinion, the bill on the reform, by merging social contributions and a single tax of added value, IVA, will direct the resources currently guaranteed to the social area to a “common hole”. We want a socially-fair tax reform, which does not dismantle the protection net which the constituent has wisely constructed”, he affirmed.

Tax reform, said Perondi, has to be good for all Brazilians. He informed that parties’ leaders and deputies in general are being surprised with the matter, “since they knew that it was a bad deal for Brazil”.

Report - Alexandre Pôrto/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Maria Clarice Dias
Translation – Positive Idioma Ltda