Senate withdraws suit against the Chamber of Deputies from STF

09/03/2009 05h05
supremo tribunal federal 
Supremo Tribunal Federal - STF

On Thursday (5), the Governing Board of the Senate decided to determine to the Attorney General to withdraw the injunction filed in December at the Supreme Court (STF), against the decision of the Chamber of Deputies. They decided not to enact the Proposal of a Constitutional Amendment (PEC) 333/04. The PEC raises the amount of councilmen in Brazil from the current 51,748 to 59,791, and creates 24 levels of amounts of councilmen, according to the size of the population.

In December 2009, the Senate approved the bill from the Chamber. The Chamber, though, decided not to enact it, because they understood that the text had been substantially changed by the Senate.

Deputies and senators approved the increase in the amount of positions; but, since the Senate had rejected the reduction of expenses in municipal Legislatives, the president of the Chamber at that time, Arlindo Chinaglia, refused to enact only the increase in the amount of councilmen, since that measure was conditioned to the saving of resources. In order to guarantee the partial enactment, the Senate filed an injunction in December at the STF.

From the newsroom/RCA
With information from Agência Senado
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda