National parks can operate 24 hours

06/03/2009 09h20

The Chamber is analyzing the Bill 4599/09, proposed by the Deputy Vital do Rego Filho (PMDB-PB), which determines the opening of national parks to 24-hour public visitation, seven days per week.

The bill amends Law 9.985/00, which instituted the National System of Unities of Conservation of Nature. It stresses, though, that each park can establish its own restrictions and rules for visitation, according to its plan of environmental handling.

Bureaucratic hindrance
Vital do Rego Filho reminds that Brazil has several national parks, which support scientific researches and develop activities of environmental education and ecological tourism.

The deputy says, though, that there are currently “bureaucratic hindrances” which prevent or hamper the access to parks, such as rigorous visitation hours, especially at night. For the congressman, the rigor in those hours generates frustration, because it is impossible to watch the movements of nocturne animals.

“If we take into account that those parks are public, we believe that, in principle, they should be available to the population for 24-hour visitation, without disregarding the vital role of the management body, which will continue to establish restrictions according to its handling plan”, he adds.

The bill will be analyzed by the Committees on the Environment and Sustainable Development; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Edition - Newton Araújo
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda