Minister asks for the approval of bill on partition of medicines

16/03/2009 10h00

Partitioned sale allows medicines to be prescribed according to the patients’ needs

On Tuesday (10) afternoon, the Minister of Health, José Gomes Temporão, met with the president of the Committee on Social Security and Family, Deputy Elcione Barbalho (PMDB-PA). He asked for the approval of the Bill 7029/06, from the Executive, which obliges the pharmaceutical industry to produce medicines in packages targeting their partitioned sale.

The rapporteur on that bill at the Committee on Social Security, Deputy Arnaldo Faria de Sá (PTB-SP), has already presented his report for the approval of the bill, in the form of a substitution bill.

The minister mentioned that, in many developed countries, medicines are not sold in closed boxes, but prescribed in the exact amount needed by the patient.

Temporão also pointed the need to transform pharmacies in spaces promoting public health. Last year, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) presented the Technical Regulation on Pharmaceutical Good Practices in Pharmacies and Drugstores, which was submitted to public consulting. In a public hearing at the Committee on Social Security, Deputy Rafael Guerra (PSDB-MG) asked Anvisa to transform that resolution in a bill from the Executive.

Survey’s presentation
The minister also committed to attend the meetings of the committee in the next 30 days, to present the situation of public health in Brazil, based on the data of a survey which is being made by the ministry.

From the newsroom/MR
With information from the Committee on Social Security and Family
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda