Front on Agriculture and Animal Industry discusses with minister the reformulation of Forest Code

20/03/2009 05h10

The reformulation on the Forest Code (Law 4.771/65), was debated in a meeting on Tuesday (17), at the Ministry of Agriculture, in which participated the Minister of Agriculture, Reinhold Stephanes, and members of the Parliamentary Front on Agriculture and Animal Industry, presided by the deputy Valdir Colatto (PMDB-SC). The objective of the meeting was to seek a consensus on the proposals of amendments on that legal diploma.

Zero deforesting in the Amazon
The minister presented a document with 10 items which will direct the discussion on the new code. Among them, are the zero deforesting of the biome Amazon, which will only be efficient by means of compensations; the simplification of environmental legislations (there are more than 16,000 rules on that subject); more compatible terms for rural producers; and the recognition of acquired rights.

To broaden that discussion, the Ministry of Agriculture will provide data on studies on the effects of climatic changes on domestic agricultural production, on the Brazilian participation at the carbon dioxide emissions and on the expansion of the use of agricultural areas in Brazil. Those studies were produced by bodies such as the Brazilian Company on Agricultural and Animal Industry Research (Embrapa) and the University of Campinas (Unicamp).

Permanent-preservation areas (APPs)
The Parliamentary Front on Agriculture and Animal Industry announced its support to the proposal of the minister, which includes the permanent-preservation areas (APPs) in the percentages of legal reserve of rural properties.

According to the parliamentary front, the inclusion of the APPs in the percentages of legal-reserve areas will encourage the preservation of the river basins in Brazil, which will help preserving the fauna and the flora, and will guarantee rural production. Regarding the compensation of the legal reserve in other areas, the front informed that their intention is to encourage producers to recover native vegetation in other river basins where that re-composition is possible.

From the Newsroom /PT/RX
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda