Deputies will go to Santa Catarina to debate prevention against floods

03/03/2009 05h40

This week, 90 days after the flood which reached the state of Santa Catarina last November, federal deputies will visit the cities which were the most affected by rains and slumps. On Thursday (5), and on Friday (6), the members of the External Committee on the Follow-up on the Climatic Tragedy of Santa Catarina will meet with the Communities of Criciúma, Palhoça, Joinville, Blumenau and Itajaí.

The president of that committee, Deputy Paulo Bornhausen (DEM-SC), informed that their visit has three goals: making an evaluation of the events, especially of the actions by the federal and state government in the affected regions; identifying the ongoing problems, and agreeing on interventions by the powers, to solve them; and debating ways to prevent disasters in the region.

“This will be an opportunity to talking with the new mayors and councilmen, who assumed their position in January, and to listening to the communities of those cities”, stressed Bornhausen.

Climatology Center
The deputies want to see how the reconstruction of the cities is being processed, and to make an evaluation on the causes and consequences of the tragedy for the economy, the people and the environment. They also intend to analyze the suggestions on their prevention, to avoid new tragedies with the excess of rain in the region. Among the approached issues, are the climate changes and the chaotic use of the soil.

“The great tasks of the committee, in the long run, are to define working methods to prepare the region and the country for the consequences of global warming. There is also a project to transform Santa Catarina in a world center of climatology and disaster prevention”, said Bornhausen.

The agenda of the meetings with the authorities and representatives of civil society of the most affected municipalities will also address aspects of infrastructure, with the recovering of the Port of Itajaí and of roads in the region, the reconstruction of houses, methods for humanitarian assistance to the victims, and the need of psychological support to the affected families.

Balance of the tragedy
During the floods, more than 78,000 people became homeless. By February 16th, according to the Civil Defense in the state, there were still 2,637 homeless people and 9,390 people out of their homes. In total, 135 people died and two are still disappeared: an eleven-month old baby and a 79-year old woman.

More than 50 municipalities were reached by the rains and slumps.

Report - Cristiane Bernardes
Editing - Simone Ravazzolli
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda