Deputies discuss creation of World Water Parliament

24/03/2009 05h25

The possibility of the creation of the World Water Parliament was debated during the 5th World Water Forum, in Istanbul (Turkey). The event started on Monday (16) and was closed on Sunday (22). If the new parliament is created, it will periodically discuss subjects related to the water management in the planet.

Deputy Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB-AM), who participated in the event, affirmed that the parliament can be an instrument for all countries to adapt their legislation to the requirements for a rational use of water. According to that deputy, it is also necessary to approach the countries’ legislations, and then to approve a convention of the United Nations on water. “There is no use if we, for instance, take a lot of care of the Amazon basin, if Colombia and Peru do not do the same.”

Deputy Antonio Carlos Mendes Thame (PSDB-SP), who also participated in the forum, affirmed that the creation of the parliament will allow a more constant discussion on water management, since the world forum is held only every three years.

For Thame, it is necessary that the countries debate a legislation to fight pollution and encourage the preservation of water. According to the deputy, other themes that could be debated at the parliament are the necessary investments to provide water as a right belonging to all, and the fostering of environmental consciousness.

According to the data of the Program of the United Nations for the Development, one billion people have no access to fresh water. Brazil, though, has 12% of fresh water of the planet, according to the National Water Agency.

Basin Committees
Mendes Thame stressed that Brazil has an advanced legislation on water resources, especially regarding the basin committees. He affirms, though, that it is necessary to go ahead with the implementation of those committees.

The basin committees are college bodies, formed by civil society, by the government, by research institutions and by water users. It is up to them to debate the management of the specific basins and to establish collection mechanisms for the usage of water. So far, though, only two federal committees have implemented that collection.

No borders
This year’s subject of the 5th World Water Forum is “Bridging Water Divides”. The idea is to discuss water as a subject that is independent from geographic, cultural and social-economic limits. The event is promoted by a French non-governmental organization (NGO) – the World Water Council (WWC).

Report - Paula Bittar/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda