Congresspeople debate environmental bills with Prince Charles

16/03/2009 10h20
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visita príncipe charles 

The visit of Prince Charles to National Congress on Wednesday (11) was symbolic and totally devoted to the environmental issue, according to the president of the Chamber, Michel Temer. The heir of the British Monarchy and his wife, Camilla Parker Bowles, met for around 30 minutes with deputies and senators, at the office of the presidency of Senate.

The Embassy of the United Kingdom informed that the visit of the prince to Brazil had as a focus the issue on climate changes, one of the diplomatic priorities of British government.

Michel Temer said that bills regarding the defense of the Amazon forest were presented to the prince. “I and the President of the Senate, José Sarney, talked about the work which is made here in Brazil. Not only our Constitution has a whole chapter regarding environment, but concrete actions are taken by the country. We told him even about the 'Forest Grant', a monetary compensation for those poor landowners who preserve the forest, instituted in the state of Amazonas.

The coordinator of the Environmentalist Parliamentary Front, Deputy Sarney Filho (PV-MA), defended, during a meeting with the Prince, the thesis that rich countries should pay for the environmental services the Amazonia provides to the whole planet, by helping to maintain the quality of climate.
That counterpart, according to the congressman, would serve to preserve the forest and conserve the biodiversity which can be taken advantage of at the cure of illnesses and in other areas, such as bioengineering.

The deputy informed the Prince that Brazilian congress is currently the first parliament in the world with a certification of zero carbon.

From the News Room
Editing - João Pitella Junior/Rejane Xavier
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda