Committee discusses environmental licensing on Wind energy

20/03/2009 05h00

On Tuesday (17), the Special Committee on Renewable Sources of Energy, headed by Deputy Rodrigo Rocha Loures (PMDB/PR), discussed in a public hearing the increment of the production of wind energy in Brazil.

The president presented a requirement requesting the presence of the Minister of Environment, Carlos Minc, at the college. The congressmen want explanations from the government on the process of environmental licensing.

Loures observed that, in his absence, the president of the Company on Energy Research, Maurício Tolmasquim, would have indicated that the Ministry of Environment would be some kind hampering the process of environmental licensing.

"If that prevents renewable energies to grow and advance in Brazil – as Brazilian people want, such as great part of National Congress – it is extremely important , because of that information offered by a colleague from the government, to hear now if the minister agrees with the statements made here”, argues the deputy.

Increasing participation
According to Maurício Tolmasquim, the government is elaborating the proposal to increase participation of wind energy in the Brazilian Energy Matrix.

"Despite being more expensive than other sources, it is important that Brazil acquires that technological knowledge”, Said Tolmasquim. “And the best way to do it is by installing it, making some bids, implementing some undertakings.”

Regarding costs, wind energy is more expensive than hydro-electrical power and bioelectrical power.

According to Tolmasquin, Wind energy has advantages such as its low operational cost and its complementation quality regarding hydro-electrical power. The main disadvantage is its high implementation cost.

The director of the Electrical Centrals of Minas Gerais (Cemig), Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho, also participated in a hearing which stressed the works developed in the sector of renewable energy.

According to Carvalho, Cemig develops studies with a system which pre-heats water for electrical showers, promoting a savings of 40% in power consume.

The special committee was created in June 2008, to analyze the Bill 630/03, which creates a fund to finance researches and incentives the production of electric and thermal power from the sun and wind power.

According to its rapporteur, the Deputy Fernando Ferro (PT/PE), the term of 5 sessions for the presentation of amendments starts next week. The final report should be voted at the end of this semester.

Report - Idhelene Macedo/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Newton Araújo/Rejane Xavier
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda