Chamber creates committee to regulate articles of the Constitution

16/03/2009 05h20

On Tuesday (10), the Chamber of Deputies created a special committee, composed by 13 deputies, to analyze all articles which have not yet been regulated by the Federal Constitution. Enacted in October 5th, 1988, the Federal Constitution has 142 devices – among which whole articles, paragraphs and subsections – which need complementary laws to be validated.

Deputy José Genoíno (PT/SP), a member of the committee, was one of the participants of the Constitutional Convention. He assesses that, by the end of this legislature, the committee will present to society a picture of what needs regulation.

"There are rules on internet copyright – and cybernetic crimes – which need to be regulated, since the Law on Copyright still handles things according to that old standpoint”, says Genoíno.

"There is also the issue on regulation of social rights; on unions’ organization; on the stable union, which is one of the elements of family constitution, and the regulation of social-communication devices”, he adds.

Detecting gaps
According to Deputy Ibsen Pinheiro (PMDB/RS), who also took part in the Constitutional Convention, the main role of the special committee is to detect those gaps and to propose several bills to fulfill them. “It is extremely easy to write a bill. What is really difficult is to have it approved, since approval depends on the performing of a complex itinerary which involves an endless scope of interests.”

“The Constitution has legislative gaps juts because of this. It is not the lack of work or perception. It is the lack of political-social maturing, regarding all those subjects”, explains Ibsen Pinheiro.

Report - Idhelene Macedo/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda