Chamber approves rights for people with mental troubles

20/03/2009 05h05

The Chamber approved on Tuesday, in conclusive character, the Bill 6013/01, by Deputy Jutahy Junior (PSDB-BA), which classifies mental trouble, standardizes the denomination of psychic illness in general and ensures those suffering from that illness, among others, the right to a conclusive diagnosis, according to international classification.

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ), which was the last to give its opinion on the bill, agreed today with the report of its rapporteur, João Campos (PSDB-GO), for whom the bill is “constitutional and juridical”. The matter follows to Senate.

Adequate term
The bill determines that “mental trouble” is the adequate term to designate that kind of mental illness, and replaces terms such as “mental alienation”, and other equivalent ones.

In the terms of the bill, those suffering from mental troubles of any nature have the right to be examined, in a medical examination, by a group of expert physicians, in which psychiatrists are the majority, with the necessary technical resources, and to have his/her illness clarified and classified according to international standards.

Report - Edvaldo Fernandes
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda