Tóffano assumes presidency of Brazilian Representation at Parlasul

29/05/2009 20h55

Deputy José Paulo Tóffano (PV-SP) is the new president of the Brazilian Representation at Mercosul. He was unanimously elected on Wednesday (27), in a meeting at the Senate. Senator Inácio Arruda (PCdoB-CE) and Deputy Germando Bonow (DEM-RS) were elected vice-presidents of that Representation.

The Brazilian Representation is composed of congresspeople (nine senators and nine deputies) who represent Brazil at Parlasul. Since there have not been direct elections for those representatives in Brazil yet, they were recommended by the Chamber and by the Senate.

Mercosul Parliament (Parlasul) – created on December 9th, 2005, and installed on December 14th, 2006 – has one vice-presidency for each of the member-countries. At the same meeting on Wednesday, Senator Aloizio Mercadante (PT-SP) was elected to the Brazilian vice-presidency of Parlasul, and substituted Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR).

At Parlasul, Deputy Tóffano exerted the presidency of the Committee on Sustainable Regional Development. Subjects such as territorial organization, housing, health, environment and tourism are discussed by that committee.

This Wednesday’s election happened after an agreement among the members of the Chamber and of the Senate, who compose the Brazilian Representation at the Mercosul Parliament. For Senator Geraldo Mesquita, the election of a deputy from the Green Party for the presidency of that representation “will contribute to a better representation of the environment issue, which has been so much discussed lately”. Tóffano will occupy the presidency for one year, and substitute Senator Aluízio Mercadante.

During that meeting, congresspeople considered positive the results obtained by the Brazilian Representation and by the Mercosul Parliament in the consolidation of the common market. The deputies and senators consider, though, that it is still necessary to find a solution for the performing of direct elections for Brazilian representatives in Parlasul. As a result, a committee of deputies and senators was created, to formulate a consensus bill on that subject.

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Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda