TCU will audit management model of regulatory agencies

27/05/2009 15h00

Agencies regulate sectors adding up to nearly R$900 billion and affecting life of millions of people

The Committee on Financial Inspection and Control determined the Audit Tribunal (TCU) to perform an audit on the management model of Brazilian infrastructure regulatory agencies.

Telecommunications (Anatel), electric power (Aneel), oil (ANP), water resources (ANA), air transportation (Anac), water transportation (Antaq) and ground transportation (ANTT) agencies will be analyzed.

The audit will assess the independency, transparency and accountability of those agencies, in addition to their capacity of regulating their sectors, their coherency in decision making and their risk management to avoiding crisis and unexpected events.

R$ 900 billions
The author of that audit request (Request 156/09), Deputy Silvio Torres (PSDB-SP), argues that those agencies regulate sectors of the economy which add up to nearly R$900 billion and affect the life of millions of Brazilians.

“TCU has already been closely keeping track of the agencies and making case by case corrections, but we are now proposing a more comprehensive inspection, to correct the governance model of those institutions”, he explains.

The objective of the congressman is “to identify possible imperfections and risks, and to establish legislative proposals and proposals on their reorganization, which guarantee a good operation of the regulated sectors”.

The result of that audit should be submitted to that committee, which will make the arrangements for any necessary change.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda