Popular front closes proposals for political reform

18/05/2009 06h35

The people’s-initiative bill which will be presented by the Parliamentary Front for Political Reform with People’s Participation will address four points: public funding exclusive to political campaigns, pre-ordained lists alternating men and women, the end of parties’ colligations, and the regulation of mechanisms on the people’s participation, such as plebiscites, referenda and people’s initiatives.

The president of the front, Deputy Luiza Erundina (PSB-SP), explained that there is not yet a single bill, elaborated by all participant parties and bodies of civil society. However, it was possible to define points with which all agree, and which all consider fundamental for an effective change in the Brazilian political system. That bill, which is currently being elaborated, will be presented to the Committee on Participative Legislation, as a trigger to the mobilization process of the society in the entire country.

Debates in Brazil
Erundina explains that the Front’s intention is to disseminate that discussion as much as possible. Therefore, they will hold public hearings at the Legislative Assemblies. The first one will be in Minas Gerais, where, such as in São Paulo, there is already a Forum for Political Reform. The participants of the Front believe the popularization of the debate is important, so that all society gets to know the meaning of that reform and why it is currently important.

The bodies composing the front and participating in the general committee held by the Chamber, on May 6th, consider its result as very important. Kelly Kotlinsk, from the Articulation of Brazilian Women, said that the very preparation of that body to participate in the event forced its members to discuss their proposals in a deeper way.

Erundina believes that it is important to release to society data on the experiences of other countries of this continent. She affirms that one of those opportunities could be a seminary, to be held together with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Idea), an international and multi-governmental organization whose headquarters are in Stockholm. That seminary can be held in August.

The deputy said that there are innumerable researches and studies made by that organization. One of them, which deals with pre-ordained lists alternating men and women, shows that that change has significantly increased the female presence in political life, where it was implemented.

Report - Vania Alves
Editing - Patricia Roedel
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda