Minister requests support for change in rule of international agreement

11/05/2009 06h10

The minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, asked for support for the approval of the Resolution Bill 40/07, proposed by Deputy Vieira da Cunha (PDT-RS), which grants to permanent committees of the Chamber conclusive power to analyze international acts. The minister met on Tuesday (5) with the president of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Chamber, Severiano Alves (PDT-BA).

The minister argued that the change provided for in the bill will guarantee a higher swiftness in the analysis of agreements between Brazil and other countries. The resolution bill is ready for the voting at the House Floor, but the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense filed a request at the Governing Board of the Chamber to also analyze it. If the Board authorizes that request, the bill should be examined before by that committee.

Severiano Alves asked the minister that Itamaraty gives priority to information requests and other demands by the committee. The deputy ensured that their intention is to vote all still pending agreements. Among those being analyzed by the committee, the minister mentioned the act between the Brazilian Government and the Holy See, signed in 2008, regarding the Legal Act of the Catholic Church in Brazil. “That agreement was the object of much internal research in Brazil. I hope it is approved”, said the minister.

Another theme approached at that meeting was the Constitution Treaty of the Union of South-American Nations (Unasul), which was forwarded to Congress by means of the message 537/08. The agreement is at the agenda of the Committee on Foreign Relations. Its rapporteur, Deputy Marcondes Gadelha(PSB-PB), recommends its approval.

From the newsroom/PCS
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda