Leaders criticize proposal on terms’ prorogation until 2012

25/05/2009 15h50

The leaders of PMDB, PT, DEM and of the government criticized proposal of PR’s leader, Deputy Sandro Mabel (GO), which prorogates for two years the terms of the President of the Republic, the governors, the federal and states’ deputies, and the senators, to allow the coincidence of all elections in 2012. That proposal was defended by Mabel, in an interview, right after he left the leaders’ meeting, on Thursday (21), in which an agreement for the voting of the political reform was discussed.

With the change proposed by Mabel, the elections of 2010 would be cancelled and a single calendar – every four years – would be established for all elections. For the deputy, the current model is unproductive and expensive. The leader of PR explains that that change would represent a savings of R$10 billion, per each non-performed election. He affirms, though, that the unification of elections depends on the result of a popular referendum.

Mabel believes that the prorogation of the current terms would also guarantee political stability for Brazil to resume economic growth in the post-crisis period.

Political insensibility
PMDB’s leader, Deputy Henrique Eduardo Alves (RN), affirmed that proposing the prorogation of terms at this moment means showing insensibility. According to him, that proposal sounds like a “swearword”. DEM’s leader, Ronaldo Caiado, said that he feels embarrassed by hearing that a federal deputy has the courage to defend a bill, which is not only unconstitutional, but immoral”.

The government’s leader, Henrique Fontana (PT-RS), affirmed that the government is against any proposal related to a term prorogation or a third term. “Our third term has a name. It is Minister Dilma Roussef”.

PT’s leader, Deputy Candido Vaccarezza (SP), also considers that bill as unconstitutional. “That a federal deputy proposes the prorogation of his own term is something obnoxious”. Vacarezza affirms, though, that he is favorable to the coincidence of elections, but warns that that change should be done without a prorogation of terms.

Report - Paula Bittar/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda