In a visit to the Chamber, Fernando Lugo stressed value of "Braziguayan" people

11/05/2009 06h35

Fernando Lugo defended the joint work with Brazil to “overcome large and small difficulties”

On Thursday (7), the president of the Chamber, Michel Temer, received the visit of the president of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo. When welcoming him, Temer said he believes that the friendship of the two countries can get closer, and signaled that his visit represents a broadening in commercial relations. He made a presentation to National Congress and said that Brazil is going through a period of great institutional and economic stability, despite the effect of the global financial crisis.

That is the first official visit of President Lugo to Brazil. He praised the organization of the parliamentary group Brazil-Paraguay and stressed the value of the so-called “Braziguayans”, Brazilians living  in Paraguay, near the border.

Overcoming difficulties
President Lugo also affirmed that Brazil is a great partner of Paraguay, and that that country has being strengthening the economy of Paraguay. He defended the joint work to “overcome large and small difficulties”.

The Paraguayan president will also discuss with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva the amounts paid by Brazil for the energy produced by the hydroelectric power plant of Itaipu. Paraguay has already proposed the end of the monopoly of Eletrobras for the purchase of the Paraguayan energy surplus, the sale of Paraguayan power at market values and the review of the billionaire debt contracted by the bi-national company.

Report - Paula Bittar
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda