Exports dropped 32% in six months, says president of CNI

06/05/2009 06h35

On Tuesday (5), in a public hearing of the Special Committee on the Global Crisis in the Industrial Sector, the president of the National Industry Confederation (CNI), Deputy Armando Monteiro (PTB-PE), pointed out a drop of 32.1% in Brazilian exports from September 2008 to February 2009. According to him, Brazil is exporting less – especially machines and equipment, automobiles and paper and cellulose’s products.

When asked by the committee’s rapporteur, Deputy Pedro Eugênio (PT-PE), on the measures which could be taken to protect and encourage domestic infrastructure, Monteiro answered that the priorities should be the increase of credit extensions, the review of the Bidding Law (8.666/93) for a better definition on the role of regulation agencies, and on the regulation of the so-called spread.

The president of that committee, Deputy Albano Franco (PSDB-SE), announced that the new meeting will be held on Tuesday (12), when the minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Commerce, Miguel Jorge, will be heard.

Report - Juliano Pires
Editing - Marcos Rossi
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda