Council forwards suggestions on space policy to government

07/05/2009 05h20

The Council of High Studies and Technological Evaluation of the Chamber will forward to the government a document with suggestions on space policy

Based on a cycle of meetings closed on Wednesday (29), that document points out alternatives, such as the transforming of the Brazilian Space Program in a State Policy. Another stressed aspect is the need to supply resources for the implementation of that program. Among its objectives is the launching of the first national geo-stationary satellite, targeting communications and airspace safety, among others. The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) intends to launch that satellite in two years.

According to the president of the council, Deputy Inocêncio Oliveira (PR-PE), it was shown during the meetings that the space sector is the most profitable one, regarding the invested resources. Nevertheless, the program is stagnated, because of the budget cutback of 22.5%.

In order to incentive that program, Inocêncio Oliveira said he will propose an amendment to the Budgetary Guidelines’ Law. “We will present a motion to amend by dividing the question, so that, by means of the Globalization Fund for the Telecommunications System (Fust), we are able to supply that program with fundamental resources, so that it can have a yearly balance, and not that discontinuity.”

According to the president of AEB, Carlos Ganem, it is exactly that discontinuity the greater difficulty faced by that sector. “The program suffers because of changes at each government, because of focus changes, and because of losses of opportunities, which were considered as priorities before, and that suddenly, because of the greater and greater lack of resources, have been abandoned.”

Carlos Ganem stressed that the space industry is fundamental for Brazil, since it is essential to accelerate scientific, economic and social development. He reminded that the products developed by space technology allow long-distance calls, the broadcasting of soccer games happening in other countries, weather forecasts, the follow-up on deforesting areas and the water-quality assessment in our planet.

AEB is responsible for the formulation and coordination of space policies and for the transference of budgeting resources to other bodies belonging to the system.

Report - Idhelene Macedo/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Patricia Roedel
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda