Congress can have joint committee for CPLP affairs

18/05/2009 06h15

On Wednesday (13), the Special Sub-Committee on the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) approved a motion favoring the creation of a joint committee, to handle affairs related to CPLP. A resolution bill should be presented and approved, so that Congress can have that new collegiate, formed by deputies and senators.

For the president of that sub-committee, Deputy José Fernando Aparecido de Oliveira (PV-MG), the joint committee of Congress will have an important role, by helping Brazil to exerting a function which is compatible with its importance in the CPLP scope.

“Brazil has 190,000,000, from the 240,000,000 Portuguese-speaking people. We have to affirm our importance before the other seven member-countries of the Portuguese-speaking community”, he affirmed.

José Fernando Aparecido reminded that the Parliamentary Assembly of CPLP already exists, that its first meeting was held in Saint Thomas and Principe, and that Brazil is the only country belonging to the community which has not yet signed the protocol on the establishment of that body. Its text has not yet arrived at the Congress for its ratification.

Deputy Aldo Rebelo (PCdoB-SP) considered that Brazil has not been giving the due value to the integration process with CPLP. For Rebelo, “the creation of the permanent joint committee, which will connect us to our siblings from the Portuguese-speaking countries, is a way of leaving our legacy to the future, with a sense of permanence, and not something that is only done during our mandate.”

Deputy Paes Landim (PTB-PI), though, considered that the existence of a Committee on CPLP, similar to the Brazilian Representation at the Mercosul Parliament, is important. “The Joint Committee will be a permanent instrument, to grant seriousness to the integration policies”, he declared.

Deputies Eduardo Lopes (PSB-RJ) and Vieira da Cunha (PDT-RS) were also present at the deputies’ meeting. The special sub-committee on the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries is linked to the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense.

Report - Alexandre Pôrto/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda