Conference points out gaps in communication laws

29/05/2009 05h45
Diogo Xavier
ii fórum tvs-diogo xavier 

The need of a new law on electronic mass communications in Brazil was the main point raised by the authorities who opened, on Monday night (25), the National Preparatory Conference on Communication: “A New Policy for the Technological Convergence and for the Future of Communications” at the Chamber of Deputies. All agreed that the prevailing legislation does not comprehend technological advancements and the real and universal broadening of access to communication and information.

The president on the Committee on Science and Technology, Communication and Computer Science, Deputy Julio Semeghini (PSDB-SP), one of the organizers of that conference, assessed that that is not an easy and fast debate. “It will be a continuing discussion, and you can be sure that all people will be included in it”, he stressed to protesters from the audience, who called for the broadening of that conference, in which debates would be held in every state.

He expects a faster response regarding the use of the Fund for the Universal Broadening of Telecommunication Services (Fust). According to that deputy, the Chamber is already committed to change legislation by a special committee, thus guaranteeing the application of that fund – which, according to his evaluation, has never happened in a satisfactory way, since the creation of Fust, in August 2000.

Beginning of discussions
For the minister of Communications, Hélio Costa, the process currently starting should last at least one year. According to him, his ministry also understands that it will be necessary to organize debates in all regions of Brazil, thus bringing to congress the difficulties faced by each of them. “This forum aims at discussing a new communications’ law; despite the government wanting to point ways, it is the Congress which will define them”, he said.

The minister announced several measures to advance towards the universal broadening of communication, while a new law does not redefine national parameters. The bid on the third-generation telephone service – which matches broadband internet access to mobile telephone services – is set for next month. Moreover, the ministry is planning to cover in two years the 1.8 municipalities currently excluded from cell phone services, which assist 82% of the population.

Hélio Costa commemorated again the special subscription plan, negotiated between the ministry and the operators, which guarantees 10 hours of internet dial-up connection for R$7.50 per month. “Our challenge is to make technology actually get to those excluded from the system”, he said.

Public TV
The President of the Chamber, Arlindo Chinaglia, stressed that the main focus of that debate needs to be the distribution of new technologies to all citizens, by universalizing telecommunication services. “We need to make a bridge between analogical and digital Brazil, connecting those who are excluded from technology”, he defended.

He also affirmed that it is important to discuss the private market, and also the role of public TV and radio broadcasts. Chinaglia reminded that in Europe they have helped democratize information. “At this moment, it is important to discuss an adequate model for Brazil. A model on administrative, financial and editorial management”, he stressed.

The conference follows until Wednesday (27), with representatives from the public sector, from the market and from society, in addition to foreign authorities. Those participants will discuss the use of new communication technologies and the adoption of policies ensuring that they are serving economic and social development and income distribution.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda