Chamber regulates land in Roraima and Amapá

29/05/2009 20h20

Text approved at the House Floor broadens usage possibilities of real estate transferred to those former territories of the Union

On Wednesday (27), the House Floor concluded the voting of the Provisional Measure 454/09, and approved the three amendments from the Senate to that text. That PM enables the transference of land titles belonging to the Union to the state of Roraima; the amendments extend that regularization to Amapá. That matter will now be forwarded to presidential sanction.

That MP broadens the possible usages for the transferred real estate, by amending Law 10.304/01 – by means of which the agrarian regulation of the former territory of Roraima was initially tried. The approved text belongs to the conversion bill, proposed by Deputy Urzeni Rocha (PSDB-RR), who made only one change in it.

He included several agricultural activities among the preferential usages for those properties. The other activities, which were already provided for at the PM, are: environmental conservation and sustainable development; settling, colonization and agrarian regularization. Before that PM, the mandatory usage for that land was settling and colonization.

The three approved amendments extend to Amapá the transference of lands. One of them includes that state in the text of Law 10.304/01; the others adjust the wording of the amendments of the PM and of that law.

Law10.304/01 had already excluded the transference of Indigenous lands; the devolution lands, indispensable to the borders’ defense; the lakes and rivers; the hydraulic-power potentials; mineral resources; natural underground caves; archeological and pre-historic sites.

Natural resources
That MP also previews that the property of the Union cannot be transferred on the following assets: natural resources of the continental platform and of the exclusive-economic zone; territorial sea; marine land and their accrued land; areas reserved to settling projects; the areas reserved to conservation units; areas for common or special public usage, such as an area where an airport is located; areas used by the Defense ministry; and those conditionally granted by the Union, such as those offered for the implementation of corporations.

According to the government, those amendments were negotiated by the state of Roraima with the Ministry of Agrarian Development, and with the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), since the former law had been considered by the Supreme Court as insufficient to affect that transference. The Supreme Court judged that it was necessary to regulate that law and to previously identify the areas which should be kept by the Union.

Report - Eduardo Piovesan
Editing - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda