Brazil will elect new vice-president of Mercosul Parliament

15/05/2009 06h10

In some weeks, Brazil should have a new vice-president of the Mercosul Parliament, who will substitute the current one occupying that position, Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR). The elections should happen during the next meeting of the Brazilian representation at the new parliament, during which the new president of that very representation will be chosen, which is currently chaired by Senator Aloizio Mercadante (PT-SP).

A deputy would probably assume the presidency of the representation, while a senator would be elected for the vice presidency of the very Parliament of Mercosul, in Montevideo. They decided to make those elections on Wednesday (6), during a meeting of the representation, chaired by Deputy George Hilton (PP-MG).

Exchange with Argentina
The presidency of the parliament and the one of the bloc are currently exerted by Paraguay. According to the turnover regime among the member-countries, that presidency would go to a Uruguayan congressman, and then, to an Argentinean one. Each of them would occupy that position for one semester.

Thus, the Brazilian vice-president of the Parliament soon to be elected would assume its presidency in the second semester of 2010. Since that period would coincide with Brazilian elections, it is possible that Brazil makes an exchange with Argentina, in which Brazil would hold the presidency of the Parliament during the first semester of 2010, and Argentina would keep that position during the second one.

The Message 813/08, which submits to National Congress the texts of the Mercosul-Israel Framework and Free Trade Agreements, closed, respectively, in 2005 and 2007. The review elaborated by Senator Eduardo Azeredo (PSDB-MG), and read at the meeting by Deputy and Rapporteur ad hoc Germano Bonow (DEM-RS), recommends the approval of the agreements. But their voting was postponed, since Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR) asked to view the message. The requirement was immediately followed by the one of Senator Inácio Arruda (PCdoB-CE).

From the newsroom/RX
With information from Agência Senado
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda