Battisti says he is in danger of death if he is extradited

04/05/2009 15h30

On Tuesday (28), the Italian former activist Cesare Battisti affirmed to a group of deputies that he fears for his life, if he is extradited. Battisti obtained the condition of political refugee at the Ministry of Justice, and is incarcerated at the Penitentiary of Papuda, in Brasília, until the Supreme Court (STF) judges his case.

Deputies of the Committee on Human Rights and Minorities of the Chamber visited Battisti on Tuesday. Deputy Domingos Dutra (PT-MA), who was part of the committee, said that the Italian is very stressed, but full of hope that STF confirms the decision of Brazilian government.

Dutra informed that, according to Battisti’s report, the agents who command the Italian penitentiary system would have protested, calling for the condemnation of the former activist. “He fears that, if the Supreme Court determines his extradition, he is murdered in Italy”, said the deputy.

In addition to Domingos Dutra, the President of the Committee on Human Rights of the Chamber, Deputy Luiz Couto (PT-PB), Deputy Ricardo Quirino (PR-DF), and the president of the Committee on Human Rights of the Senate, Senator Cristovam Buarque (PDT-DF) also participated in the visit.

Opposite position
Opposition deputies have been accusing the Brazilian government of adopting an ideological position on the case. The Italian authorities affirm that Battisti was judged for a common crime, and not for a political one (he was condemned to life prison for the murder of four people). The Italian government filed an injunction at the Supreme Court to ensure the extradition of the former activist.

Report - Geórgia Moraes/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda