Assembly discusses cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries

04/05/2009 15h25

Brazilian deputies have participated on Monday(27) and Tuesday (28) in the first work encounter of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries Community (CPLP), held in São Tomé e Príncipe, in Africa. The Parliamentary Assembly was created to issue reviews on guidelines, general politics and strategies of CPLP, a body actuating in the cooperation among Portuguese-speaking countries. The Assembly should also approve, according to the decision of the majority of its members, reports, opinions, proposals or recommendations.

The First Vice-President of the Chamber, Deputy Marco Maia (PT-RS), informed that one of the discussed themes was the need to streamline legislation on migration among Portuguese-speaking countries. Members of CPLP are Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, Saint Thomas and Prince, and East Timor.

According to Marco Maia, who took part in the event, the representatives of the parliaments also discussed the internal rules of the Assembly, which was created at the end of 2007.

The new orthography rules on Portuguese were also debated at the meeting. “We have made a balance of the implementation of the orthographic agreement, and especially on the discussion on policies which could be adopted by the countries to reaffirming and strengthening that language as a political, cultural and regional articulator of the Portuguese -speaking countries.”

In addition to Marco Maia, deputies José Fernando Aparecido de Oliveira (PV-MG), Paes Landim (PTB-PI), Vilson Covatti (PP-RS) and Janete Pietá (PT-SP) also participated in the event.

Report - Paula Bittar/Rádio Câmara
Editing- Pierre Triboli
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda