The Chamber celebrates the creation of Israel and honors Oswaldo Aranha

08/07/2009 06h15

The Chamber held on Tuesday (30) a Solemn Sitting to celebrate 61 years of creation of the State of Israel. The Representatives remembered the role of the ex-Minister and ex-Representative Oswaldo Aranha, who, as head of the Brazilian delegation, presided the General Assembly of the United Nations, which voted for the dividing Palestine, and enabled the creation of Israel in 1947.

Search for peace
The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Michel Temer, showed the satisfaction of the House in hosting the celebration. He deplored the conflicts between Arabs and Jews, but said that he hopes that the Brazilians can help in the search for peace and harmony between the peoples of the region. “I hope that this solemnity be one more instant to search for peace, having as agents the people of Israel", he said.

Several Representatives proposed the solemnity, among them the Representative André Zacharow (PMDB-PR), who emphasized the support that Brazil can give to pacify the region. In his opinion, the differences of origin and thoughts, which coexist peacefully in Brazil, are an important example of living together for the Israeli. “The creation of the State of Israel was a unique case in the history of mankind, and this date marks the dream of several generations becoming true”, he said.

Oswaldo Aranha
The Representative George Hilton (PP-MG) paid tribute to Oswaldo Aranha, who, according to him, not only presided the ONU Sittings, but was also an important articulator for the creation of Israel. “There were oppositions, struggles, and Oswaldo Aranha, many times, had to waive, use mechanisms that we understand in politics, which are extremely important for establishing an agreement", he said.

Parliamentary group
The president of the Parliamentary Group Brazil/Israel, Representative Dr. Talmir (PV-SP), reported his experience in living together with the Knesset, as the Israeli Parliament is known, and the commitment of the group to expedite the approval of agreements between Israel and the Mercosur countries. “We, Brazilian, joined you in the democratic, justice and politic self-determination ideals. It is a pleasure to be able to intercede so that both countries, Brazil and Israel, walk together, thinking about strategies to implement peace in this world”, he said.

The Representatives Nelson Marquezelli (PTB-SP), Mauro Benevides (PMDB-CE), Eduardo Valverde (PT-RO), João Campos (PSDB-GO), Ricardo Quirino (PR-DF), Jeferson Campos (PTB-SP), Fernando Chiarelli (PDT-SP), Hugo Legal (PSC-RJ), Paes Landim (PTB-PI) also paid tribute.

Reporting – Marcello Larcher
Edition – Wilson Silveira
Translation – Thiago Capatti - Grupo Solucion – SP Language Center Treinamentos e Traduções Ltda