Front asks for urgent creation of environmental reserves

08/06/2009 06h10

The President of the Environmentalist Front, Deputy Sarney Filho (PV-MA), asked for the immediate creation of unities of conservation and of extraction reserves, whose projects are stuck at the Civilian Household, since 1997. That appeal was made during a joint solemn session, held on Tuesday (2), to commemorate the World Environment Day (June 5th).

He said that, while everybody is waiting for the approval of a law on that subject, the reserves are being degraded by gold miners and the conservation units cannot accomplish their goals related to the preservation of biodiversity and of river sources.

That deputy reminded that examples of disrespect to the environment are “knocking at the door of everybody”, threatening the planet’s life quality. He adverts that the principles of economy should change, to appreciate, for example, the low consume of fuels, and to avoid deforesting.

The president of the Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, Deputy Roberto Rocha (PSDB-MA), who co-authored the request for that session, affirmed that, different from what they say, “criminal deforesting” is a recent phenomenon. According to him, more than one million hectares were deforested in the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica, in Portuguese), from 1985 to 1995. “In ten years, there has been more destruction then in almost four centuries of colonial occupation”, he compared.

That deputy reminded that, in the past, deforesting was finally restrained because of a strict legislation. He quoted, for instance, the Regiment of Brazilwood, enacted in 1605, which is considered as the first environmental law in Brazil. Its text established a death penalty and the seizure of the lands of those who cut that tree. “Thanks to so many devices and to the strength of that penalty, the Portuguese Crown got to keep the preservation of the forests”, he affirmed.

Integrated actuation
Deputy Rebecca Garcia (PP-AM), who is also the co-author of the requirement for that session, stressed that the theme of this year’s commemorations reflects the urgency the nations have to actuate in a joint effort to reduce the effects of climatic changes, to eradicate poverty and to adequately handle forests and other natural resources.

She quoted as impacts of climate change the floods in the Northern and Northeaster regions, which left thousands of homeless people. Oddly, that situation happens in the region (North) which is scientifically quoted as the responsible for the climate balance all over the planet, or be it, it reflects the seriousness of the climate-change issue in the world”, he alerted.

She reminded that serious environmental problems related to the use and conservation of water resources in the Amazon were identified at the I Water Forum of Manaus, held in March. “The situation of public freshwater supply and basic sanitation in the city is chaotic, the margins of rivers and igarapés are occupied in a chaotic way, which is causing several watercourses of this state to be polluted”, he said.

The solemn session was proposed by Senator Jefferson Praia (PDT-AM), and was attended by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Edilson Lobão, among others.

Report - Oscar Telles
Editing - Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda