Deputies commemorate OAS’s decision to revoke Cuba’s expelling

08/06/2009 06h45
bandeira de cuba 
The Cuban flag

On Wednesday (3), congresspeople from several parties praised the decision of the Organization of American States (OAS), which revoked the expelling of Cuba from that body, which had happened in 1962, due to the United States’ pressure. At that time, the world was influenced by Cold War, and split between capitalists, led by the Americans, and communists, headed by the extinguished Soviet Union.

For the leader of PCdoB, Deputy Daniel Almeida (BA), that decision shows respect to ideology differences. “That is a historic fact, which shows that we are living in a different environment in the Americas”, he affirmed.
According to him, the integration of Cuba proves that the prepotency and the strength of weapons do not always prevail.

Deputy José Genoíno (PT-SP) said he is expecting that the reintegration of Cuba helps the complete waving of the economic blockade imposed to that island, especially by the United States. The Minority’s leader, André de Paula (DEM-PE), approved that change, but said he expects a democratic response from the Cuban government.

According to Deputy Ricardo Berzoini (PT-SP), that decision triggers dialogue on the end of the economic embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba. Speaking for Psol, Chico Alencar (RJ) commemorated that reintegration, and expressed his hope that OAS “quits being an instrument of the North-American Empire and starts contributing to the people of Latin America”.

The president of the Parliamentary Group Brazil-Cuba, Deputy Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB-AM), also praised OAS. PSB’s leader, Rodrigo Rollemberg (DF), said that that decision “broadens Latin-American integration, building a more harmonic environment among the countries of this continent”.

The decision of OAS was taken in Honduras, during its general assembly. The United States even tried to impose the condition that Cuban government would commit to respect human rights and to promote democratic reforms before reintegration. But the position of the remaining countries – for the unconditional readmission of Cuba – prevailed and was approved by consensus.

From the newsroom
Editing - Maria Clarice Dias
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda