Deputies call for a stronger presence of the State at the border with Guiana

18/06/2009 06h30
Wilson Dias/Abr
ponte rio oiapoque 
Presidents Lula of Brazil and Sarkozy of France observe the new bridge maquette

The Brazilian government will soon start the construction of the bridge linking the cities of Oiapoque, in the state of Amapá, and Saint Georges de l’ Oyapock, at the French Guyana, an old claim by Brazilians of that region. Deputies from Amapá considered that the work is fundamental, but assessed that its conclusion, previewed for 2010, should be preceded by other initiatives.

The congresspeople claim for a larger present of the governments at the two sides of the bridge. According to them, the construction of customs and diplomatic representations to control the flow of wares and people is necessary, thus legalizing Brazilians who are used to crossing the Oiapoque River, looking for jobs or mineral exploration in the Guyanese territory.

"Those requirements are necessary for the construction of the bridge, so that it makes relations easier and does not complicate them”, said Deputy Sebastião Bala Rocha (PDT-AP). According to him, despite the tension between Brazilians and Guyanese having gotten lower in the last times, there is still a strong pressure against illegal immigrants coming from Brazil.

Migratory policy
It is estimated that there are around 50,000 Brazilians living illegally in Suriname and in the French Guyana. Bala Rocha explains that only this last country there is a clear policy on expelling of illegal citizens, especially those living in mining fields. That deputy said that the ideal, with the construction of the bridge, would be the establishment of free transit to both sides of the border, without a visa requirement. He recognized, though, that the French government is not yet open to that kind of initiative.

Deputy Jurandil Juarez (PMDB-AP) went further and said that the relations between Brazilian and French of Guyana deteriorated only after the police of the French territory decided to actuate “with rigor” against illegal immigrants. For him, policemen follow policies against immigrants, which are the trend in Europe – Guyana is an ultramarine French department and follows guidelines from Paris. He criticized the apathy of Brazilian government towards the “great animosity” of the authorities from Guyana. They are completely silent”, he affirmed.

Prioritized debate
According to that deputy, the construction of the bridge can potentially make the situation more explosive. Therefore, the congresspeople from Amapá defend that the next meeting of the Committee on Transborder Cooperation, composed by Brazilian and French diplomats, prioritize the discussion of the government’s presence on the two sides of the bridge. That group, which reunites twice a year, has a set meeting for next semester. Those deputies want it to happen in Macapá.

 Last week, the relation among Brazil and Suriname, the French Guyana and the Republic of Guyana was debated during the First International Transborder Meeting was performed in Oiapoque, with the presence of federal deputies. Organized by the Legislative Assembly of Amapá, that event was useful for the authorities of the state to charge from the countries’ governments a more effective cooperation in the border issue.

According to Bala Rocha, that meeting has already brought a profit: Itamaraty confirmed the installation of a vice-consulate in the city of Saint Georges. The deputies want now a French consulate in Macapá, with a representation in Oyapock.

Winning consortium
The bridge over the Oiapoque River, which will join the two sides of the border, is in the final phase of its bidding process. In April, the wining consortium was announced, and presented a budget of R$54,700,000. On Monday (8), an appeal against the results of that bid was rejected.

According to an agreement signed between the two countries in 2005, Brazil will build the bridge, and France will be responsible for the infrastructure on its side, and for its access ways. They expect the construction works to last 16 months.

Report - Janary Júnior
Editing - João Pitella Junior
Traducción - Positive Idiomas Ltda