Committee approves donation for Mozambique to combat Aids

03/06/2009 06h35

In addition to its humanitarian character, the measure will narrow links among the two countries

On Wednesday (27), the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense approved the Bill 4145/08, from the Executive, which authorizes the Union to donate R$13,600,000 to Mozambique. That amount will be used in the first installation phase of a plant producing anti-retroviral drugs and other medicines against Aids. Those resources will come from the Health Ministry’s budget.

The rapporteur on that bill, Deputy George Hilton (PP-MG), stressed its humanitarian connotation and affirmed that this transfer will narrow links between Brazil and Mozambique. “The installation of a plant producing anti-retroviral drugs is urgent, since it will propitiate the control of epidemics and reduce the amount of deaths, not only in Mozambique, but also in other African countries to which the production of that plant can be exported” he stressed.

Fiocruz orientation
The implementation of that plant will be directed by Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), a public health institution connected with the Brazilian Ministry of Health. It will be responsible for the production of the medicines, which will be freely distributed to the population. According to the government, that kind of support by Brazil to Mozambique is provided for in a cooperation agreement between the two countries. The ministries of Health and Foreign Relations argue that this initiative, in addition to being of humanitarian assistance, will help giving Fiocruz international projection.

In Mozambique, 300,000 people need anti-retroviral treatment, but only 40,000 have access to those drugs. About 500 people get infected per day in that country, which have 500,000 orphan children due to that syndrome.

The bill, which is being processed in conclusive character, will still be reviewed by the committees on Finances and Taxation; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda