Chamber sends a representative in mission to Sub-Saharan Africa

09/06/2009 14h30

The first vice-president of the Committee on Economic Development, Industry and Commerce, Dr. Ubiali (PSB-SP), represents the Chamber of Deputies in the commercial mission which Brazil sent on Sunday (7) to four countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa: Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana and Equatorial Guinea.

Due to the adoption of a “multilateral” foreign policy in the commercial area, Africa has been considered by the government as an important continent, with which Brazil intends to deepen relations.

That mission will be composed by the minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Commerce, Miguel Jorge, and by undertakers, and aims at promoting the broadening in trade and Brazilian investments in that region, and to exploit cooperation possibilities among Brazilian and African productive sectors.

Expansion possibilities
For Dr. Ubiali, in addition to strengthening expansion possibilities, cultural interchange with those countries is much valid. “The objective of those missions is to reach non-traditional destinations of our goods and services exports. Moreover, that mission does not only privilege large undertakers, but the small and medium ones, who aim at starting in foreign market also participate”, he explained.

Dr. Ubiali also stressed that those missions help the diffusion of the exporting culture of Brazil, and represent an inter-governmental articulation and cooperation effort with the domestic-production sector.

During that mission, the Forum Brazil-Africa on Sub-Saharan Africa: Entrepreneurship and Development is also held in Dakar, Senegal. It is a circle of speeches, to present the Brazilian experience in the biofuels, information technology and food-safety industry, aiming at the transference of Brazilian technology to African countries.

Another event which is part of the program is the Exhibition Brazil Agri-Solutions, an exclusively Brazilian fair in the machines and agricultural implements industry, and of machines and equipment for biofuels and industrialized food. That fair has as a target-audience authorities and entrepreneurs of all West-African Region.

Around 100 representatives from 10 food and drinks sectors, machines and equipment, information technology, textiles, shoes, energy, defense and infrastructure compose a group of undertakers. That mission occurs in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Relations, with the Brazilian Agency on the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brazil), and with the National Industry Confederation.

From the newsroom/ RCA
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda