Chamber approves two motions against the coup in Honduras

08/07/2009 06h25

The Chamber Floor approved on Tuesday (30), two renunciation motions to coup d’état that lay down in last weekend the president of Honduras, Manual Zelaya. The first motion, proposed by leader of PT, the representative Cândido Vaccarezza (SP), defends the immediate return of the legitimate governor to his function.

The second motion, initiated by Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas (Fipa), was presented by the president of the entity, the representative Luiz Carlos Hauly (PSDB-PR). Fipa argue that the involved parts must establish the Rechtsstaat; requests that the crises be resolved by dialog, and claims safety for members of government of Zelaya and respect to expression freedom and human rights of Honduran.

The Zelaya term of office would finish in 2010, January. The economic crises began with misunderstanding of the president with the representatives of the Congress, Army and Judiciary. After to be deposed, he was arrested and expelled from the country.

Importance of Democracy
The president of the Chamber, Michel Temer, also manifested in The Floor support from the House to democracy preservation in Honduras. According to him, Zelayz was democratically elected and, therefore, there are no motive to coup d’état. Temer announced that will conduct this positioning to Foreign Relations Minister, Celso Amorim.

Without Recognition
The PT manifest clamor the government of all the world, specially the ones from Latin America, to do not recognize the illegal government in Honduras; in the same time, asks to Council of Safety of United Nation (UM) be called to discuss the question, and that the Organization of American States (OAS) put in discussion the continuance of participation of the rascal government in the inter American system.

“We claim the immediate back of the legitimate governing of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya to his country and position, and we know that the Honduran will know to meet the way to peace, conciliation and democracy”, conclude the manifest read by Cândido Vaccarezza.

The representative José Carlos Aleluia (DEM-BA) supported the motions, but with exceptions. For Aleluia, the president Zelaye is an “creation” of the Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez and, like him “was on the way to perpetuate in the power”

“We do not agree with the violence of the coup, but it is necessary to see that today exist a wave in Latin America that presidents want to be imperators”, advise Aleluia

The leader of PSDB, representative José Aníbal (SP), condemned the military coup d’etat, and Said that nothing justifies the use of military force to intervene in politic order.

Reporting - Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Edition - João Pitella Junior/Rejane Xavier
Translation – Thiago Capatti - Grupo Solucion – SP Language Center Treinamentos e Traduções Ltda