Chamber approves bills ratifying 24 international agreements

09/06/2009 14h00

On Thursday (4), 24 international agreements which obtained the support of the leaders of the Chamber were voted by consensus. All will be forwarded to the Senate’s review. The Parliamentary Group Brazil-Bulgaria was also created during the same session, as a result of a suggestion from the former deputy Marcelo Barbieri.

Airspace cooperation
PDC 1143/08 ratifies an agreement between Brazil and Russia, to broaden their cooperation in the airspace area, so as to develop new technologies and to use the Alcântara Launch Base (MA) to test and launch rockets and satellites. The first cooperation provided for is the technical revision of the Brazilian Satellite Launching Vehicle (VLS 1), with the development of the third stage, of liquid fuel. That new vehicle, called Alfa, inaugurates a new family of satellite launchers of the Cruzeiro do Sul series.

Maritime organization
Three bills ratify conventions and new rules established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). PDC 2545/06 ratifies the updated version of the International Convention for Human Life Safeguard at Sea; PDC 20/07 ratifies amendments to the Convention on International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Those amendments, contained in five resolutions of the IMO Assembly, adjust technical rules of that convention.

PDC 564/08 approves the creation of the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty, made by consensus by the countries signing that agreement. That body should encourage information exchange among those countries.

PDC 22/07 approves the 7th Additional Protocol of the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), and new rules, conventions and agreements on payments, all signed during the 23rd congress of that body, held in Bucharest, Romania, in 2004.

Four agreements can be ratified in the scope of Mercosul. PDC 495/08 approves the protocol on the Commitment with the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Mercosul. That protocol, which is called in the diplomatic milieu “Mercosul’s human-rights clause”, allows members of that bloc to impose sanctions against any member-state which disrespects human dignity.

PDC 497/08 ratifies the decision of the Common Market Council which creates the Educational Fund of Mercosul (FEM). That fund will finance projects and programs for the strengthening of the integration of educational systems of countries integrating that bloc.

PDC 499/08 ratifies the agreement which grants a 90-day permanence for citizens from other countries of Mercosul who travel for tourism to any member-country of that bloc.

PDC 399/07 provides for the ratification of amendments of the Statute of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. Among other measures, those amendments authorize the entry of regional organizations for the economic integration in that international body. Thus, Mercosul will be entitled to be a member of that conference.

Only with Paraguay, PDC 1106/08 ratifies the agreement on the cooperation in the fight against the illicit production and traffic of firearms, ammunitions, accessories, explosives and other related materials.

Seven agreements allow relatives of diplomacy personnel to work in the countries they live. Their rules are diverse, but partners and sons of diplomats will be allowed to exert remunerated activities in Senegal (PDC 407/07), India (PDC 412/07), Hungary (PDC 516/08), Sweden (PDC 566/08), the United Kingdom (PDC 667/08), Spain (PDC 791/08) and Germany (PDC 984/08).

PDC 2352/06, though, allows the ratification of international rules, in accordance with Spain, to complement the workers’ pension subject to labor legislation in the two countries. That agreement grants the guarantee of social-security rights, such as medical, pharmaceutical, dentist, ambulatory and hospital assistance to Brazilian workers who live in Spain, and to Spanish citizens who exert professional activities in Brazil.

Movie industry
PDC 665/08 ratifies the audiovisual co-production agreement with India. That agreement can promote the growth of movie industry in Brazil, since India is one of the largest world producers in the audiovisual market. Its industry rivals the North-American one, which is the global leader in that sector.

Two agreements with Israel can be ratified. PDC 400/07 ratifies the treaty for customs assistance, and PDC 983/08 approves a cooperation agreement on agriculture and animal industry.

PDC 1350/08 ratifies a cooperation agreement with Suriname in the defense area, and PDC 2375/06 ratifies a basic cooperation agreement with Gambia.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda