CCJ approves treaties for military cooperation

15/06/2009 09h35

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) has approved the Legislative-Decree Bills on many military cooperation agreements which were waiting for consideration by the Legislature. The bills, the processing of which has been given emergency status, are being voted on by the House before being sent to the Senate. If they are finally approved in the two houses of Congress, the Executive Power will be authorized to ratify the respective international agreements.

On Tuesday (2), the CCJ approved a treaty for the cooperation on Defense signed in Honduras, in 2007. That treaty provides for military-cooperation mechanisms between Brazil and that country of Central America, focusing the areas of research and development.

As a result, exchanges on knowledge and operational, scientific and technological experiences will be established, as well as joint actions of military training and instructions.

The Legislative-Decree Bill 1476/09, authored by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, which authorizes the president of the Republic to ratify that agreement, was approved with a favorable review by the rapporteur on that matter at the Committee, Deputy José Genoíno (PT-SP).

South Korea
On the last 28th, CCJ approved the Legislative-Decree Bill 2526/06, which ratifies the cooperation agreement on defense between Brazil and South Korea.

Signed last year, that agreement aims at promoting cooperation in the fields of defense industry and logistic support, exchange of military knowledge, humanitarian assistance, assistance to disasters and peace operations. The two countries commit to guarantee the privacy of the obtained information during the cooperation activities, even after the expiration of that agreement.

That document also establishes that all expenses resulting from the cooperation activities will be paid by the interested country, and that the State receiving personnel from the other party should offer free emergency health assistance when necessary.

In Brazil, the Secretariat of Politics, Strategy and International Matters, of the Defense Ministry, will be the responsible body for implementing that agreement. In Korea, the responsible body will be the Department of Politics and International Defense of the Defense Ministry.

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved, also on the last 28th, the Legislative-Decree Bill (PDC) 2631/07, proposed by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, which authorizes the Executive Power to ratify the Cooperation Agreement on Defense between Brazil and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

Signed in Brasília, in June 2006, that treaty provides for the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of operations and use of military equipment, and in the areas of science and technology; joint military training and instructions; cooperation in matters related to equipment and military systems; and in other areas of the defense area which could be of common interest.

According to the rapporteur on that bill at CCJ, Deputy Benedito de Lira (PP-AL), the requirements on constitutionality, legality and legislative technique have been met.

On Tuesday (9), CCJ approved the Legislative-Decree Bill (PDC) 1478/09, proposed by the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, which handles the ratification of the text on the agreement on the Defense Area between Brazil and Colombia, signed in 2008.

Brazil is the supplier of military material to that South-American country, and exported planes, ammunition and equipment for the simulation of air combats to it in the past. That agreement was negotiated by Minister Nelson Jobim (Defense) with his Colombian colleague, Minister Juan Manuel Santos.

That agreement also provides for the cooperation between the two countries in the areas of research, logistic support, military training and sharing of technical knowledge. To implement it, the two countries can establish mutual visits by their delegations, and the interchange of military personnel.

From the newsroom/RX
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda