CCJ approves transference of the condemned with Chile and Bolívia

08/07/2009 06h55

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved on Wednesday (30) the Proposal to Legislative Decree 568/08, of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Mercosur, which endorses an agreement with Bolívia and Chile on the transference of condemned people.

Signed in Belo Horizonte (MG) on December 16, 2004, the agreement determines that the Brazilians condemned in Chile or in Bolívia, as well as the Bolivians or Chileans condemned in Brazil, may fulfill their sentence in their own country.

Social reinsertion
Deputy Carlos William (PTC-MG), the rapporteur, affirms that the proposal is convincing and arrives to fill a legislative gap by enabling the mutual cooperation and judicial assistance, in the sense of enabling that the condemned person fulfills the condemnation in his/her own social environment.

“The measure, besides facilitating the social reinsertion of the condemned, solemnly gives prestige to the human dignity principle, one of the grounds of our federative Republic", sustains the reporter.

The project will still be voted by the Plenary.

Reporting – Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Edition – Newton Araújo
Translation – Thiago Capatti - Grupo Solucion – SP Language Center Treinamentos e Traduções Ltda