CCJ approves the simplification of the international maritime transport

08/07/2009 13h10

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved on Tuesday (30) the Proposal to Legislative Decree (PLD) 985/08, which endorses the adoption of amendments of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, which became effective in Brazil on 1977.

Adopted on July 07, 2005, the amendments, according to the explanations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have the objective of simplifying and minimizing the requirements of documents and procedures related to the arrival, stay and departure of ships and people, and also the boarding and unboarding in ships engaged in international maritime transport.

Deputy Carlos Willian (PTC-MG), the rapporteur , presented an opinion in favor of the constitutionality, legality and good legislative technique, without analyzing the merit of the proposal.

The project will be submitted to the House Floor for appreciation.

Reporting – Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Edition – Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Grupo Solucion - Thiago Capatti