CCJ approves Defense agreement between Brazil and Chile

08/07/2009 06h35

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved on Tuesday (30) the Proposal to Legislative Decree 1052/08, of the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense, which endorses the agreement between Brazil and Chile on the cooperation concerning Defense. The agreement emphasizes areas such as investigation and development; logistical support; acquisition and obtainment of defense equipments and services.

Deputy Carlos Willian (PTC-MG), the rapporteur, presented a favorable opinion to the proposal, which still needs to be approved by the Plenary.

The minister of Public Affairs, Celso Amorim, observed that the agreement intends to contribute for peace and international prosperity, “acknowledging the principles of sovereignty, equality and non-interference in the exclusive jurisdiction areas of the states".

According to the project, the cooperation between both countries will be made through mutual visits; exchange of instructors, teachers and students from military institutions; and implementation of programs and projects of defense technologies' application; among other items.

Reporting – Oscar Telles
Edition – Marcos Rossi
Translation – Thiago Capatti - Grupo Solucion – SP Language Center Treinamentos e Traduções Ltda