CCJ approved an agreement that enables exchange with New Zealand

08/07/2009 06h10

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved on Tuesday (30) an international cooperation agreement which will enable, annually, the entrance of up to three-hundred Brazilians, between 18 and 30 years old, in New Zealand. Likewise, the same number of New Zealanders will be able to enter in Brazil under the same conditions.

The reporter of the issue in CCJ, the Representative Colbert Martins (PMDB-BA), said that "the agreement is very interesting, because it gives the opportunity for young to attain experience and learning abroad; in the professional field, practicing a foreign language and attaining knowledge on another culture; besides professional appreciation, when returning to the labor market of their country".

According to the text, the candidates to the special visa are required to:
- not being with dependents;
- be in possession of valid passport;
- have a return ticket or resources to buy the passage;
- have resources to support oneself during the stay in the country requested;
- pay the expenses regarding the visa; and
- have full valid medical-hospital insurance.

The agreement, which establishes a vacation programme and work between Brazil and New Zealand, is under analysis in the Assembly, through the Proposal to Legislative Decree (PDC) 1396/09, of the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense. The ratification of the agreement by the President of the Republic depends on the Congress approval.

PDC 1396/09 is working under emergency conditions. It still needs to be analyzed by the Committee on Labor, Administration and Civil Service, and by The Floor.

Reporting – Edvaldo Fernandes
Edition – Newton Araújo
Translation – Thiago Capatti - Grupo Solucion – SP Language Center Treinamentos e Traduções Ltda