Brazil links purchase of military airplanes to technology transference

18/06/2009 06h50
Rodolfo Stuckert
aviões militares 
Military planes


Congresspeople of the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense traveled to the United States to get to know the terms of the negotiation on the purchase of military F-18 Super Hornet aircrafts, produced by Boeing. Another two groups went to France and to Sweden to check the purchase conditions of other aircrafts in those countries.

The president of that committee, Deputy Severiano Alves (PDT-BA), defended that any aircraft be linked to technology transference. Alves informed that Embraer is one of the five largest aircraft construction companies, and, if it has access to foreign technologies, it will be able to easily produce similar models in Brazil.

Technology Exchange
There are more advanced models, produced by Boeing, but the United States only agreed to transfer the technology of the F-18 to Brazil. That plane is an older model, which started to be produced in 1997.

Their idea is to establish a partnership with the US, to exchange various technologies. According to that deputy, the US is interested in obtain knowledge about deep-water oil exploitation and on ethanol production from Brazil.

Alves also said that that committee will inspect actions from the Brazilian government for the implementation of the Project FX-2, created to reequip and renew the Hunting Aviation of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). That project, which was started in 1998, previewed the purchase of 12 supersonic aircrafts, together with the transference of technology from their producers to FAB.

Report - Karla Alessandra/Rádio Câmara
Editing - Patricia Roedel
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda