Bill broadens inspection on purchases made by government’s bodies

03/06/2009 06h20

On Wednesday (27), the Committee on Financial Inspection and Control approved the implementation of the Bill on Inspection and Control (PFC) 67/09, by Deputy Dr. Pinotti (DEM-SP). It establishes that all assets’ acquisitions and services in the scope of federal government’s administration will be subject to audits.

The approved text is the review by its rapporteur, Deputy Edson Aparecido (PSDB-SP), which is favorable to the instauration of a “complex procedure of operational and regularity audit, since contracts on goods or service supply are formalized by almost all public bodies, in the most diverse government’s areas”.

TCU’s support
In order to perform that task, they decided that support can be requested to the Audit Court (TCU), which should define the period, the body and the contracts which will be audited.

Dr. Pinotti explains that he proposed that inspection because of a report in the Correio Braziliense newspaper, in January 11, 2009, according to which the federal government had transferred, since 2004, the amount of R$485,000,000 to 34 outsourced companies. Those companies were not entitled to close contracts with the government, because of irregularities they would have committed, among which, tax dodging and frauds in bidding processes.

Report - Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Editing - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda