Report requests more credit and less costs for the agricultural industry

17/07/2009 05h45

The special committee created to review the global crisis impact in the agricultural industry approved on Tuesday (14), the final report of the member of chambers by the Democrats Abelardo Lupion, containing diagnosis and suggestions to face the problems of the industry.

The approved text shares the actions claimed by the industry in five groups: credit supply increase; reduction of the agricultural production costs; support on agricultural products prices; infrastructure measures; and actions for specific industries (alcohol and sugar, citrus, fertilizers, dairy husbandry, and defensives).

Part of the committee suggestions was gathered in six bills included in the report and that the board will propose to the chamber to mitigate the effects of the crisis and propose safeguards that protect the agricultural and husbandry from external impacts.

Besides, the report proposes the creation of a fund which ensures resources for agriculture, an example of what will be created by the government for the micro and small businesses.

The 1st Vice-president of the Chamber, member by the Worker’s Party of Rio Grande do Sul, Marco Maia, said the House will provide agility on the next semester to the voting of the projects presented by the committee. The Party Leaders’ Committee recommendations are also forwarded to ministries and other government bodies.

“The members of the chamber accomplished a very useful diagnosis of the industry. The Chamber complies with its institutional role of helping Brazil to overcome the crisis vigorously”, said Maia.

Reporting - Juliano Pires
Edition - João Pitella Junior
Translation – Grupo Solucion/Maria Marcelino Ogata