Report containing measures against the crisis in industry is approved

17/07/2009 06h00

The Special Committee which reviews the global crisis impact in the Brazilian industry approved on Tuesday (14) the rapporteur report, the member of the chamber Pedro Eugênio by the Worker’s Party of Pernambuco, and makes 23 suggestions for the improvement of this industry. Among other measures, the text suggests stimulation to the micro and small businesses, local industrial production, credit offer and external trade.

One of the suggestions is that the Chamber creates a special committee to improve the law that deals with the public investments in industrial goods and infrastructure.

“The whole process of governmental purchases and investments, especially in infrastructure, involves bureaucratic obstacles in several aspects. Thus, the idea is having a special committee to solve these problems and verify what would be done, in terms of law and several rules of the ministries to accelerate the processes”, said Pedro Eugênio.

The rapporteur also includes the suggestion to the Committee on Labor, Administration and Civil Service, to study the creation of an employment guarantee program that should be adopted by the Public Power.

The committee will also make recommendations to the Public Power. Among them, the suggestions of the member of the chamber by the Brazilian Labour Party of Pernambuco, Armando Monteiro, that recommends the government updates the productive development policy because of the crisis and change the Tax credit release rules on the ICMS (Tax on the Goods and Services Movement) to benefit exporting companies.

Activities continue
Even with the report’s approval, the special committee chairman, the member of the chamber by the Brazilian Social Democracy Party of Sergipe Albano Franco, announced that the group will continue its work, since the industry will still suffer the effects of the global crisis.

Reporting - Geórgia Moraes/Rádio Câmara
Edition - Pierre Triboli
Translation – Grupo Solucion/Maria Carolina Marcelino Ogata